What To Do When You Hit An Animal?

You’re driving on a dark street at night. You’re only a couple of blocks from home. An animal runs across the road in front of your vehicle. You hit the brakes, but not soon enough. The accident shakes the car, and it stops. You have no idea what to do next. There is no simple solution, but you need to know what to do when you hit an animal. 

Automobile accidents due to hitting an animal happens more often than you think, over a thousand times every year in Australia. If you have an automobile accident checklist in your vehicle, start here.

What to Do When You a Hit an Animal: Steps to Being Safe

  1. Turn on your hazard lights and transport your car to a safe location: You need to be sure you’re safe from oncoming traffic in either direction. Cut on your high beams and hazard lights to signal other motorists. If you can, move your car to the street side, away from the lanes of traffic. It’s best to put your automobile in reverse and go backward, so you don’t strike the animal again.
  2. Call 000: The most crucial step is to let the police know about the accident. The officers will let you know what to do when you hit an animal. If there is damage to your car, they’ll assist you in getting a safe ride home. The police will also take your statement about the incident (a vital step for your insurance company) and contact an animal rescue group.
  3. Document the incident for insurance purposes: It’s always an excellent idea to take pictures right after the accident if you can. It might be helpful to your insurance claim if there are some photos to support it. Though you’ll fill out a report with the police officer, it doesn’t hurt to perform this extra step. 

However, don’t go near the animal. If the animal is still alive, it might kick its legs at you. Animals are mighty, and they could injure you when they’re scared.

Inspect Your Car Before You Leave the Scene 

If there is severe damage to your vehicle, it’s smart to get it towed. Use a flashlight so you can examine your vehicle for damage. Also, look at the underside of the car for leaks. If your headlights are OK and there is no harm in driving it, you should be OK to leave after speaking with the police. 

It’s beneficial to know what to do when you hit an animal, but the thing you don’t want to do is drive away from the accident scene. 

First, it’s inhumane to do so. The animal you hit could still be breathing and get struck by another car. Moreover, there won’t be any details about the damage to your vehicle. With no documentation, your insurance claim might not go through. 

Just remember, don’t panic. Remain on the scene and wait for the police. If you need a tow, call us at Any Car Towing. ​

Now Any Car Towing is available in Keysborough Victoria 3173.

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Any Car Towing

10 Silvergum Pl, Cranbourne VIC 3977

(03) 7036 5450


What To Do When You Hit An Animal
What To Do When You Hit An Animal

source https://anycartowing.com.au/what-to-do-when-you-hit-an-animal/


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