If you are here right now, the chances are that you have been through a situation when your car’s battery died, and you were stranded in the middle of the road, waiting for help. Now, as your first experience was worth forgetting, you do not want the same to happen again. It is the reason you want to know and must know how to jump-start a car battery.

If that is the case and if you want to know how to start a car all on your own, then yes, you are at the right place today. Today, Any Car Towing is going to tell you the steps that you need to follow to jump-start a car and of course for this; you need some equipment too. So, take notes because these instructions can come in handy to you and help you the next time your car’s battery dies.


You do not need a lot of tools to jump-start a car; in fact, all you need are some high-quality jumper cables. Do not worry at all because jumper cables are inexpensive, and they are readily available anywhere you go. The most recommended size for the jumper cables is the gauge six. The reason is that when it comes to jumper cables, it is the standard size.

People usually think that they need to buy longer jumper cables for more convenience, but the truth is that the longer the cable, the less durable it will be as the energy will have to travel farther. Long story short, opt for the standard size when buying jumper cables and the rest will be fine.


The following steps need to be followed carefully to jump-start the car battery:

Step 1

Of course, you need a functioning car to jump-start the battery of your vehicle, and for this, you need to park both vehicles right next to each other. Make sure that your car and the other person’s functioning car are facing each other on the front. Keep them 18 inches apart. Also, make sure to set the parking brakes so that you can avoid any accident if the car moves unexpectedly.

Step 2

Do not let the clamps of the jumper cables touch each other. Moreover, turn off the car completely. To be safe, remove the keys as well.

Step 3

Open the hoods of both cars and then look for the battery and then the battery terminals. The terminals of the batteries are covered black and red, which means positive and negative. Now, make sure to identify the negative and the positive on the car’s battery terminal. In case the terminals are dirty, wipe the dirt off first and then continue with the rest of the process.

Step 4

Now attach the positive cable clamp (the red one) with the positive battery terminal of the car with the dead battery. Attach the other positive clamp (the red one) to the positive battery terminal of the functioning vehicle.

Step 5

Now take the partner black clamp and attach it with the negative terminal of the working car’s battery.

Step 6

Take the other black clamp and do not attach it with the negative terminal of the dead car’s battery, in fact, you need to take that clamp and connect it with an unpainted metal part of the vehicle. For example, you can attach that clamp to a clean nut that is on the engine. This way, you will be able to jump-start your car safely.

Step 7

Now start the functioning car and let it run for a while (like a minute or two).

Step 8

Now start the dead vehicle, and it will turn on right away.

Step 9

In case the car does not start, rev the engine of the functioning vehicle. It will likely give the much-needed boost to the dead battery.

Step 10

Once your car starts, take off all the clamps and make sure that they do not touch one another. Remove them safely and then take your vehicle for a short drive so that it can charge up.

Now Any Car Towing is available in Dandenong South Victoria 3175, Australia.

Contact Us

Any Car Towing

10 Silvergum Pl, Cranbourne VIC 3977

(03) 7036 5450


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